I have had one busy week. I have made more dottee dolls,made another tote( I got the tutorial for on the welsh quilters blog spot, which is in my blog list), worked on a CQ block, making blocks for a Christmas applique quilt, Took my sweet granddaughter to Chattanooga for her MRI,she will be having surgery on her spine and had to take care of all the things are getting ripe in the garden. I have adopted 4 baby kittens that were starving out in the field. The mom was skin and bones and the babies looked near death ,well not anymore. The mother cat loves me but the babies are still scared. I can see them through the window when I put food out each morning. They are all making great progress. I have gave them quilting names, MOM is Moda and the kittens Noodles, Stash, Kona, and Batik. I can't show some of these pfojects until they are done because they are for swaps and have to be kept secret, but here is what I can show.