And I know how to crochet. This is definitely on my list of to-do's. Now, I've just got to get the patterns.
Feb 27, 2009
Feb 25, 2009
My sister started a blog
She is the the artist of the oil painting that I have used as my header. She just started a blog. It is titled One Craft at a Time which is very appropriate because I can't think of any thing she can't do. Her favorites are painting with oils and acrylic, tatting and paper crafts. She use to quilt, crochet and well too many to name. I wish you could see just a portion of the things she has made. Her art room is so full of paintings and other things she has done she can no longer get in there. I don't know if she wants me telling you that. But we all know about that, so maybe she won't care. I wanted to share this with you so you can go visit her blog. She's just learning her way around blog land but she'll be up and running before you know it and you will see some pretty amazing things she has made. Please leave her a comment so she knows you stopped by.
Feb 23, 2009
Signs of Spring and a couple things I got done
I filled the bird feeders up 3 days ago and see today they have completely emptied one of them. And if you enlarge the image you will see a bird on the green feeder. I enjoy hearing the birds sing. I haven't got my hummingbird feeder out yet, but will soon.
The buttercups are starting to bloom there are several patches of these throughout the yard.
I also noticed the crocus are about to open the beautiful blooms, I just love these, but they don't last long. They are so pretty when they are open the almost don't look real. Mkaes you want to touch them and see if the are fakes.
And the biggest sign is the fish are no longer lethargic, they are starting to move about, enjoying the sun. The bigger ones dove to the bottom when they seen me coming but I managed to capture some of the smaller ones. It's still too early to start feeding them, they do not digest food well until the water temp stay at least 50% or above.
The disappearing nine patch I made for QWL, I had planned on getting a small border on and sandwiched this past weekend but ended up in the bed sick. Stress does me like that. I had a few stressful moments last week that did me in. I'm feeling a little better today, so maybe I can manage to get these ready to be quilted. The pic is blurry but you get the idea, It needs to be pressed!!
I also got the firecracker blocks put together, It needs a border, I just don't know what. The fabrics used in this top all look like they came from ties. For some reason my picture taking is not to clear today to see the details, I don't know if it me or the camera.
I also made a few things for a very sick little girl. I made her a small activity tote just big enough to hold a crayon roll-up and a activity book, stickers and things of that sort she will be able to do if she does get to feeling like doing something.
I learn how to do the 2 basic stitches in tatting. At first I knew I was doing something wrong because my stitches were sliding on the ring thread and not the shuttle thread, but once I figured the problem out I was off and running. What caused my problem was my knot was not transferring over, this is a must or it just won't work. Thought I share that in case someone has this problem. It took me longer to figure out the problem then it did to figure out the method. I'm not too happy with the shuttle I got, it was the only ones they had so I got it. I think my sister or a friend might be sending me one of the clover shuttles which has been recommended by both.
I haven't got very far on my Pay it Forward gifts, I needed certain colors of floss so we made a trip to Micheals for that. I'm dangerous in that store every time I go in there my bill is ridiculous. I went for 4 skeins of floss and ended up buying about 40, not to mention all the other things. It doesn't help me when Cliff adds things to my cart either.

The buttercups are starting to bloom there are several patches of these throughout the yard.

I also noticed the crocus are about to open the beautiful blooms, I just love these, but they don't last long. They are so pretty when they are open the almost don't look real. Mkaes you want to touch them and see if the are fakes.

And the biggest sign is the fish are no longer lethargic, they are starting to move about, enjoying the sun. The bigger ones dove to the bottom when they seen me coming but I managed to capture some of the smaller ones. It's still too early to start feeding them, they do not digest food well until the water temp stay at least 50% or above.

The disappearing nine patch I made for QWL, I had planned on getting a small border on and sandwiched this past weekend but ended up in the bed sick. Stress does me like that. I had a few stressful moments last week that did me in. I'm feeling a little better today, so maybe I can manage to get these ready to be quilted. The pic is blurry but you get the idea, It needs to be pressed!!

Feb 18, 2009
Done and to-do's

I finished this little mini quilt today. I plan on sending this to someone special. I hope she likes it. I choose the red color way of Feathered Friends by In the beginning because I know red is her favorite color and I'm pretty sure she likes birds. Maybe because I love birds I think everyone else does too, we'll see. I actually made 2 of these because of the big sister rule. If you don't know what the big sister rule is, I'll tell you big sister says everything I make I have to make her one too. Now, I don't always do that, I do good to get one made most of the time, LOL. You know how that goes. I love my sis and wish I could make more things for her. My sister is always making or sending me things. I've been making them both something else(surprise), so can't show them. I started those before I started these but they are taking longer then I had expected, but I work on them a little everyday. I've just about got the firecracker blocks put together. I'm going tomorrow to buy the batting for it and another top I made for QWL. I hope to get one more QWL quilt done before the deadline. I'm going to start the quilts that I'm making for my DD's in the next week (if all goes as planned). I have such a long to do list this year. That in order for me to get all the things I want to have made by Christmas I have got to get started now. I worked so hard to get my swap list down and said I wasn't going to join any more until I had most of these other projects done but I just can't resist jumping in and have added another one to my list, just when I was starting to see the light. I finished the FQ challenge for the COF retreat. We also have a T-shirt challenge, I had that finished too until I tried the shirt on and it was too small.
I'm sinking and can't get out
My day was going just great. I left to go keep the kids for the couples hours between DD and SIL work shift, like I always do. I was nearly there when suddenly the front end of my van just went completely down. WOW talk about traumatized, I didn't know what in the world was going on. But it just keep sinking so I tried to open the door to get a look and the door won't open. So, I rolled the window down to see that the front end of my car had fallen down so far that the tires were barely visible. I freaked out. I immediately called my son in law, Cliff and said get here quick. I don't know what's going on but the front of my van has sunk so low that one of the back tires is now off the ground by this time. I said please hurry and bring chains and the 4 wheel drive. I had gotten out of the side door, and of course it seemed like forever before they got there, but in actuality it wasn't but a matter of minutes. The man from across the road came over too, seeing that something was wrong. He kept saying it still sinking and finally after about the third time he said that I told him please don't say that every time you do I feel more stress. Then i could see my help coming to the rescue. Oh boy I could tell by the look on Cliff face he was not happy, He thought I had drove off into a hole. But honest there was no hole, but do you think men believe women when it comes to driving. I said Cliff you know me better then that I would never drive through a hole. After a few tries they finally managed to get me pulled out. WHEW, I could breathe again. So after they got me pulled out we stuck a 5 foot shovel down into this big hole and never did hit bottom. Turns out it was a sink hole it was about 4 foot across and 4 foot wide, and who knows how deep, it was completely full of water. Talk about scary! Once I realized how lucky I was, knowing this could have been a far worse situation, I was actually grateful. When at first I thought no one believes me, honest it was a road when I went over it and it just disappeared, and now after they seen that shovel disappear they knew it was a sink hole, don't know how deep, but I called and reported it and we found some railroad ties to keep anyone else from driving through it thinking it was just water one the road. Geez, when I look back I think lucky me, I could have drown in that big water filled hole, and I guess being I was in a van helped. Gosh if this had of happened to someone in on of those small short compact cars the out come might not have been so good.
Feb 16, 2009
What color is your rain bow?
Your rainbow is strongly shaded white and blue.
What is says about you: You are a tranquil person. You appreciate quiet moments. You share hobbies with friends and like trying to fit into their routines. People depend on you to make them feel secure.
Find the colors of your rainbow at
What is says about you: You are a tranquil person. You appreciate quiet moments. You share hobbies with friends and like trying to fit into their routines. People depend on you to make them feel secure.
Find the colors of your rainbow at
Feb 15, 2009
Teenytiny quilt swap

I got my mini quilt from the swap Tracy hosted. She was the maker of this sweet little mini quilt. It's it just darling. She also sent me a pattern and templates for mini bow tie quilts. So, I'll be making one real soon. Thank you so much Tracy, you're a wonderful host and hope to join in some more of your swaps when I can find the time. What a lovely ending to a great day!!!!!!
Since we are on the subject of mini's Tracy got me hooked on these little babies, Once I made the first one , which wasn't the greatest I just couldn't quit making them I have made 7 since Christmas. The first one was a snail trail using fabrics that were sent by my partner. Looking back, I know I could have done better. The second one was the mad about plaid one, it's very tiny it measures 9x12" . Next I pieced the DWR all was going good until I quilted it on my machine and it got sort of wonky on the edges, so I went on to make the fan/dresden one, it's 10" square without the border. Next was the pinwheel with prairie points I really like this one. The last one I made for a swap we had on the HGTV forum, My partner gave me the color she liked and so this is what I made it was 11" square before the border was put on. I"ve been wanting a mini quilt wall since I have seen so many and loved everyone of them. So, I'm off to a good

Feb 13, 2009
The winner
of my b;og giveaway is.........
My grandchildren had so much fun doing this and wanted to draw another name, so maybe we can do another one soon. Katelyn was upset because she said the video was too short, she loves the camera. So, I promised her I would get some video of her sewing next time I'm over their house. Last time I was there she told me she needed more practice, but I think she's ready to show what she's making now. Congratulations asimplelife you are the winner, hope you enjoy them.
My grandchildren had so much fun doing this and wanted to draw another name, so maybe we can do another one soon. Katelyn was upset because she said the video was too short, she loves the camera. So, I promised her I would get some video of her sewing next time I'm over their house. Last time I was there she told me she needed more practice, but I think she's ready to show what she's making now. Congratulations asimplelife you are the winner, hope you enjoy them.
Feb 12, 2009
Lavender Lime

Cliff asked me the other day what I wanted for Valentines day. I know he thought I was going to say fabric, I always do, but I surprised him and said a walking foot. I could see the stumped look on his face I said I'll show you what I'm talking about. He loves to go back in the sewing room so he gladly went to see what I was talking about. I showed him all the feet that came with my machine, and told him I didn't know what half of them were or what they are for but I knew that none of them are a walking foot and I've always wanted one. I told him I thought it would be pricey, but he said that's fine, can you get it online. I looked around but only found them on ebay, I'm leary about buying some things off ebay and told him I'd have to go to a dealer to make sure I got the right one. He said we could go Thur. since that is the only day we are both home at the same time during business hours. So, I went online and found a dealer for my machine in Chattanooga, Normally I go to Atl. but I just didn't feel like driving that far and dealing with the traffic. Cliff's just not been feeling the best lately, and tires easily so the closer the better. He secretly loves fabric, so I knew he would want to go too. He always wants to go with me to any craft or fabric stores, and he does pick fabrics sometimes and says go ahead and get this you know you'll find plenty of uses for it. So, bright and early this morning he was ready, before I had even got up. He looked over at me and said are you ready to go to the quilting store (that's what he calls it). I got right on up and took my shower and off we went to the Lavender Lime Quilt shop. Neither of us had been there, we have only been to one other quilt shop so this was exciting for both of us. Turns out it was rather easy to get to, right off the interstate. Immediately we could see this was a far better quilt shop then the one we had been to previously. Cliff is attracted to the machines and LA tables so first thing he says is her come try this machine out. He sitting there in front of a Bernina 8 series, I said oh no, if I try it I might like it. I see him sitting there looking at the price, and he says well just go ahead and try it, if you try it you'll be entered for a chance to win it. I did not want to try it, I simply told him I was happy with the machine I have. So, I went straight to getting my walking foot, which just happen to be right beside the bobbins and boy do I need bobbins so I got a few of those. Next he says you should try to find that brown fabric you've been needing. I looked the whole store over and was about to give up when the shop lady told me that all the fabrics on that particular wall were on sale, now why did she have to go and do me like that. She must be a quilter and know we can't resist a sale. Cliff said go ahead and get you some while we're here. Oh my they did have some beautiful fabric, my poor head was swimming, I knew I had to stay focused though, and picked out a few things I knew I needed for my Pay it Forward gifts and on my way back up I spotted the perfect brown, with the tiniest dark red dots on it. It was like hitting the jack pot. I've been looking for a certain tone on tone brown for some time, and haven't had much luck because things online don't always look the same when you get them home. The whole point here is the best part of my day was finding this great little shop, not too far from home and sales lady was just the best. They have classes that I definitely need to learn how to work the embroidery module on my machine. I can do the basic designs that came with it but that's it. I have been limited to that because I just don't know how to do anything beyond that point. This was such a great little place and I'm so glad we found it. I see myself going back very soon. They have some of the prettiest fabrics, so much better seeing them in person the on a screen. So, I did manage to stay on track and just get the things I needed with the exception of one panel. They have a website also, I haven't visited it yet but will very soon. So, this is what my sweet baby got me for Valentines Day, a walking foot 10 bobbins and the fabrics I just couldn't find online. It's hard to find fabric on line sometimes, because if you type in a color you sometimes have to search pages and pages for the certain one only to not find it. I usually get side tracked by another fabric I wasn't looking for and having a whole new project to work on and still not having the fabric I originally needed.This was my Lavender Lime experience, my favorite new place. Oh and here's a pic of the quilt I needed the brown for, I had all the other fabric but needed that brown, this is the quilt my daughter wants who has no other quilt made by me except my very first quilt if you can call it that. I did not make this quilt in the pic below, It's a pic I found online and have no idea who made this beauty, It is the inspiration for the quilt I'll be making in the near futute.

Feb 11, 2009
Firecracker or rail fence?

I've never been a big fan of the rail fence quilts, but I have seen some that I like. I originally started out to make a fire cracker blocks for my patriotic quilt but realized these could be laid out like rail fence.. I'm still leaning toward the fire cracker side. But honestly I'm not loving either one. I even tried a nine patch where the QST are but wasn't thrilled with that either. So, out of the 3 I think I'll be going with the firecracker, maybe just because firecrackers are how many Americans celebrate independence day. If you have any suggestions other then the ones I've tried I'd appreciate any suggestions. You know I just realized I could cut these rails up and make them all nine patch blocks, hmmm, then I'd have a ton of nine patch blocks I wouldn't know what to do with. I always do this, I always think I know what I want and by the time I get the blocks made I second guess myself. Does this happen to you? Just about every quilt I've made I start out loving it but by the time it is done I think I should have done things different. I have about 3 times this many rail blocks made already. I just made these QST out of some cheapo fabric I had to see if I was going to like it. If I decide to go with that one I'll be using the same fabrics that are used for the rails. Go ahead and click the image and get a better look and see what you think. Well, I come back to say that the more I look at it the more i think I'll just go ahead with the firecracker and be done with it and thenI can just start on another.
Feb 2, 2009
Candy Kisses and a Dozen Roses Giveaway!!!!

Okay, it's official. One the way back to the house today, I stopped and checked the mail and got the package I've been expecting. So, me and Katelyn came in and I said okay lets got do, I told her pick anything out you want Katelyn and remember this has to be something special, She looked and looked she couldn't reach any of the top shelves so I held her up and let her do a littler digging and had to set her back down because she was getting heavy. So, she was ruffling through all the bottom shelves, while I opened my package. I said oh Katelyn look what nanny got aren't these so pretty. And before I could ask her if she wanted me to make her something with them she said I pick theses, talking about the fabrics I just brought in the house. Oh boy I didn't even get a chance to play with them yet. Guess, I"ll just have to get me some more, I couldn't tell her no, after all I told her anything. I had put up the fabrics I knew I needed for certain projects so thought I was safe. No big deal, I thought this was a perfect choice after all it is nearly Valentines day. WOW, just what we all want for Valentines Day candy, roses and Fabric, not necessarily in that order. Better be glad it wasn't Blake doing the picking or you might have ended up with Ga. bulldawgs or cowboy and Indians. Now, I haven't given much thought on how to play, but thought I better make this easy because I just might not be able to keep up with all the extra name in the pot thing. So, if you have a blog or are a current member ( joined before today) of the HGTV forum board then you can join because I know that I'll be able to contact you. I'm sorry if their are others that might want to join but I don't open emails if I don't know who they are from. My apologies. So, just leave a comment and don't forget to thank Katelyn!! cause she'll be reading this. If you do not have a blog but are a member of the HGTV MB make sure to sign your comment with your HGTV name so I'll know who to contact.The deadline to enter will be Feb. 13th, I'll one of my grandchildren to draw the winning name. I'll get pics of the drawing so stop back by on Valentines day and see who wins. Oh forgot to say, I know your going to count the roses and you're right it is only 11 roses but I added another FQ of green to make up for the FQ I just couldn't live without. This giveaway is suppose to be for my 100th post giveaway, I'm just about 10 posts too early, but we all know i'll have 100 post by Valentines day. So good luck andthe main thing is just have fun. Guess you're wondering where the candy kisses are, it the name of the fabirc but i'll go out and get a bag of hersheys to add to it.
Cuppa Swap
I got the hard part done, well hard for me anyway. I picked the fabric I'm going to use for my coffee cup blocks. The fabric is suppose to say something about me. Well now if you knew me, you'd know that's hard because there are so many things I love. I love birds for one and have some beautiful bird fabrics, but that only says one thing about me. I love coffee too, but that's probably obvious since I joined the swap. I do love to travel and seen some really cute fabric about Paris, I think it was called Pack your bags. But this fabric says 3 things about me. One is I love the soft colors, two, I love flowers, and three I love nature. Now guess you're wondering what this has to do with nature, This fabric is from a April Cornell collection called Natures Chorus. Now I don't know exactly how I be doing my blocks but have a pattern in mind. This picture doesn't show the real beauty of this fabric but if you click for a close up you will see it very pretty. I'll keep you posted. I've got to go keep an eye on Keith for a little while so maybe if mom says Katelyn can come home with me, she can pick out some fabric for my giveaway.

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- OMG, Check these ladies out!!!
- My sister started a blog
- Signs of Spring and a couple things I got done
- Done and to-do's
- I'm sinking and can't get out
- What color is your rain bow?
- Teenytiny quilt swap
- The winner
- Lavender Lime
- Firecracker or rail fence?
- Candy Kisses and a Dozen Roses Giveaway!!!!
- Cuppa Swap